Travel eSIM Up to 4% Cashback with TNG Visa Card
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is this promotion?
This Promotion is open to open to all TNG eWallet users that meet the following conditions (“Eligible User”) :
a) TNG eWallet users who successfully perform and purchase Travel eSIM during Campaign period.
b) Subsequently the Travel eSIM purchaser performs an in-store transaction using your TNG eWallet Visa Card in-stores at an overseas merchant during campaign period.
Eligible user will be entitled to receive 1% cashback when they meet the requirements on Eligible spend.
Q2. What is the eligible spend requirement?
(a) Applicable to users who have successfully activated their TNG eWallet Visa Card.
(b) Perform an overseas in-store transaction using your TNG eWallet Visa Card by presenting it physically at merchant locations outside of Malaysia.
(c) Ensure that the transactions made must be successfully processed and not voided or reversed.
(d) Ensure that the transactions must not fall under the following excluded merchant category codes:
Merchant Category Codes | Details |
3024 | Pakistan Air |
4011 | Railroads |
| Local and Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, Including Ferries |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines |
4131 | Bus Lines |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking – Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Services |
4215 | Courier Services – Air and Ground, and Freight Forwarders |
4225 | Public Warehousing and Storage – Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage |
4789 | Transportation Services |
5511 | Car and Truck Dealers (New and Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing |
5169 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products |
5542 | Automated Fuel Dispensers |
6010 | Financial Institutions – Manual Cash Disbursements |
6011 | Cash withdrawal transactions |
6012 | E-wallet top-up transactions |
6051 | Quasi cash merchant transactions (e.g. cryptocurrency, foreign currency, money order) |
6211 | Security Brokers/Dealers |
6300 | Payment of insurances and/ or takaful |
6540 | Account funding & reloads |
6540 | Non-Financial Institutions – Stored Value Card Purchase/Load |
8398 | Payment to charity and/ or social services organisations |
8641 | Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations |
8661 | Religious Organizations |
8675 | Automobile Associations |
9211 | Courts Costs (including alimony and child support) |
9222 | Fines |
9223 | Bail and Bond Payments |
9311 | Tax Payments |
9399 | Government Services |
9402 | Postal Services (Government Only) |
9405 | Intra-Government Purchases (Government Only) |
9406 | Gambling, betting and gaming related transactions |
Q3. What is the duration of this promotion?
The Promotion Period is from 1st March 2025 to 31st May 2025, both dates inclusive.
Q4. Will I still be eligible for the cashback if I buy the Travel eSIM when I have arrived at my overseas destination?
Yes. As long as the Travel eSIM is purchased during the campaign period and an overseas in-store transaction has been successfully performed using the TNG eWallet Visa Card during the campaign period, you are still eligible for the cashback.
Q5. Will I still be eligible for the cashback if the Travel eSIM I bought during the campaign period has expired or I have used up all the roaming data?
Yes. It is because you have purchased Travel eSIM during the campaign period. You will also need to have successfully performed an overseas in-store transaction using the TNG eWallet Visa Card during the campaign period to still be eligible for the cashback.
Q6. If my friend purchases Travel eSIM for me and I spend overseas with my TNG Visa Card, will I be eligible for the cashback?
Unfortunately, you will not be eligible for the cashback. The cashback is applicable to the purchaser of Travel eSIM (the original purchaser) and fulfils all campaign requirements, including making eligible in-store transactions overseas using their TNG eWallet Visa Card during the campaign period.
Q7. When can I receive the cashback?
The Cashback amount will be credited to the Eligible User’s TNG eWallet account by the 10th of the following month after the Eligible Spend is performed.
Q8. Is there any limit / capping for the campaign?
A monthly cashback cap of RM10 applies per user, with a total cashback cap of RM10,000 for March 2025, RM10,000 for April 2025 and RM10,000 for May 2025. Each monthly cashback is to be given out to all Eligible Users based on a first come first served basis.
This Campaign will cease once the maximum cashback fund has been fully utilized or at the expiration of the Campaign Period, whenever is earlier.
Q9. Who should I contact if I don't receive the cashback by the 10th of the following month after I perform the eligible spend?
You can reach out to us via our live chat from your eWallet (go to your Profile page and scroll down to “Chat with Us”) between 7am and 10pm daily, including public holidays, or by writing to us, here.
Travel eSIM Pulangan Tunai Sehingga 4% dengan Kad Visa TNG eWallet
Soalan Lazim
S1. Apakah tawaran promosi ini?
Kempen ini terbuka kepada pengguna TNG eWallet yang memenuhi keperluan berikut (“Pengguna Layak”) :
a) Pengguna TNG eWallet yang berjaya melakukan and membeli transaksi Travel eSIM sepanjang tempoh kempen.
b) Seterusnya, pembeli Travel eSIM malakukan transaksi luar negara dan dalam kedai menggunakan Kad Visa eWallet TNG anda dengan mengemukakannya secara fizikal di lokasi pedagang di luar Malaysia sepanjang tempoh Kempen
Pengguna Layak berhak menerima pulangan tunai 1% berdasarkan keperluan Perbelanjaan Layak.
S2 Apakah keperluan Perbelanjaan Layak?
a) Tepakai kepada semua pengguna kad TNG eWallet Visa
b) Lakukan transaksi luar negara dan dalam kedai menggunakan Kad Visa eWallet TNG anda dengan mengemukakannya secara fizikal di lokasi pedagang di luar Malaysia
c) Memastikan transaksi yang dibuat mestilah berjaya diproses dan tidak dibatalkan atau diterbalikkan.
d) Pastikan bahawa urus niaga mestilah tidak termasuk di bawah kod kategori pedagang yang dikecualikan berikut:
Merchant Category Codes | Details |
3024 | Pakistan Air |
4011 | Railroads |
| Local and Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation, Including Ferries |
4112 | Passenger Railways |
4121 | Taxicabs and Limousines |
4131 | Bus Lines |
4214 | Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking – Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Services |
4215 | Courier Services – Air and Ground, and Freight Forwarders |
4225 | Public Warehousing and Storage – Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage |
4789 | Transportation Services |
5511 | Car and Truck Dealers (New and Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing |
5169 | Petroleum and Petroleum Products |
5542 | Automated Fuel Dispensers |
6010 | Financial Institutions – Manual Cash Disbursements |
6011 | Cash withdrawal transactions |
6012 | E-wallet top-up transactions |
6051 | Quasi cash merchant transactions (e.g. cryptocurrency, foreign currency, money order) |
6211 | Security Brokers/Dealers |
6300 | Payment of insurances and/ or takaful |
6540 | Account funding & reloads |
6540 | Non-Financial Institutions – Stored Value Card Purchase/Load |
8398 | Payment to charity and/ or social services organisations |
8641 | Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations |
8661 | Religious Organizations |
8675 | Automobile Associations |
9211 | Courts Costs (including alimony and child support) |
9222 | Fines |
9223 | Bail and Bond Payments |
9311 | Tax Payments |
9399 | Government Services |
9402 | Postal Services (Government Only) |
9405 | Intra-Government Purchases (Government Only) |
9406 | Gambling, betting and gaming related transactions |
S3 Apakah tempoh promosi ini?
Tempoh Kempen adalah dari 1hb Mac 2025 sehingga 31hb Mei 2025, termasuk dua tarikh tersebut.
S4. Adakah saya masih layak untuk menerima cashback jika saya membeli Travel eSIM setelah tiba di destinasi luar negara?
Ya. Selagi Travel eSIM dibeli dalam tempoh kempen dan transaksi di kedai luar negara berjaya dilakukan menggunakan TNG eWallet Visa Card dalam tempoh kempen, anda masih layak untuk menerima cashback.
S5. Adakah saya masih layak untuk menerima cashback jika Travel eSIM yang saya beli dalam tempoh kempen telah tamat tempoh atau saya telah menghabiskan semua data roaming?
Ya. Ini kerana anda telah membeli Travel eSIM dalam tempoh kempen. Anda juga perlu telah berjaya melakukan transaksi di kedai luar negara menggunakan TNG eWallet Visa Card dalam tempoh kempen untuk masih layak menerima cashback.
S6. Jika rakan saya membeli Travel eSIM untuk saya dan saya berbelanja di luar negara menggunakan Kad Visa TNG saya, adakah saya layak untuk menerima pulangan tunai?
Malangnya, anda tidak layak untuk menerima pulangan tunai. Pulangan tunai hanya diberikan kepada pembeli Travel eSIM (pembeli asal) yang memenuhi semua syarat kempen, termasuk melakukan transaksi dalam kedai yang layak di luar negara menggunakan Kad Visa TNG eWallet mereka sepanjang tempoh kempen.
S7. Bilakah saya boleh menerima pulangan tunai?
Pulangan Tunai akan dikreditkan ke akaun TNG eWallet pengguna masing-masing selewat-lewatnya pada 10hb bulan berikutnya selepas Perbelanjaan Layak dilakukan.
S8. Adakah terdapat had untuk promosi ini?
Had pulangan tunai bulanan sebanyak RM10 dikenakan bagi setiap pengguna, dengan jumlah keseluruhan pulangan tunai maksimum sebanyak RM10,000 untuk Mac 2025, RM10,000 untuk April 2025, dan RM10,000 untuk Mei 2025. Pulangan tunai bulanan akan diberikan kepada semua Pengguna Layak berdasarkan prinsip "siapa cepat, dia dapat."
Kempen ini akan berakhir apabila tamat tempoh atau apabila Jumlah maksimum Pulangan Tunai telah mencapai had, yang mana terdahulu.
S9. Siapa yang perlu saya hubungi jika saya tidak menerima email gamifikasi selepas 2 hari bekerja atau pulangan tunai dalam masa 10 hari bekerja selepas bermain gamifikasi?
Anda boleh menghubungi kami melalui live chat dari eWallet anda (pergi ke halaman Profil anda dan skrol ke bawah ke “Chat dengan Kami”) antara pukul 7 pagi hingga 10 malam setiap hari, termasuk cuti umum, atau dengan menulis kepada kami, disini.